Sunday, 11 October 2009

The ultimate online income.(Part 3)

Creating your online presence

  Now your becoming an expert in your chosen field you need to create your online presence.
This is just a matter of using social networking and web 2.0.

There are literally thousands of sites out there to help you do this.
First create a blog (just like this one) you can create your blog as a information guide around the product you are going to promote or you can just create a blog and post a range of posts.
I prefer generally to create a random blog about anything, then if you create a second or third website you can create links to it through your blog.
Blog daily about anything you want, useful websites or funny posts usually work quite well but its up to you.

Once you create your blog get it listed at My Blog Log
I also use where you can also submit your blogs RSS Feed,  is another good site to submit your blog to. is a good site.
All these will create an online presence for you.

Another thing to do is join then join GFFaster  this will help you build a good list of followers, as you grow your follower list you can use it as an advertising platform for your website. ,  and are a few other sites you can use.

There are thousands out there but don't get bogged down with too many, you can always join more later.

Post to your blog regularly and each time you create a new post use to let everyone know you just created a new post.

Creating your network will help build your authority on the net. It is better to get used to it now so your ready when your website goes live.

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