Wednesday, 30 September 2009
Whats your website worth.
Of course we all want to know what our website is worth. I clicked the link and put in my details and voila my websites value in $$$.
I decided to check out other website valuation sites and was surprised by the differences in what they said my sites were worth.
Below are the overviews of 2 not so fantastic sites I ran through 3 different website valuation sites.
The first is
I bought this website about a month ago but have done little to it at the moment. I registered it as a niche site with little competition, it has a .com domain name which gives it a boost.
So far I have installed wordpress on it with a couple of posts, I plugged it into Free Traffic System hoping other posts would appear from there, 2 posts appeared. I have also added links of related products from Amazon.
I have done a little backlinking to the website and at the moment have around 250 backlinks although the website has been listed with numerous directories which should show up in a month or two.
The site is listed in major search engines for related keywords, Yahoo and MSN favour it and list it highly although Google has been slow on the uptake.
So a pretty basic website with a reasonable search engine ranking and reasonable amount of backlinks. So what is it worth ? Values it at $78, rather low was hoping for more. Values it at $541, a lot better. Value has gone up to $963.60, getting better Value is now $32,000 , Sold to the nearest bidder.
Site 2 is
This site is a few months old, I joined
I joined them due to the earning potential of their affiliate program, the site didn't have much on it for a while until I joined High Profits , these supplied a ready made website which I just plugged in. I added a few pages and a couple of banner ads then uploaded it.
Just like my other site it has numerous backlinks and directory listings. Search engine ranking has been harder due to the high competition for affiliate marketing keywords.
So for a plug and play website how much can I earn ?
In the same order as above...............................
Value is $78, rather consistent.
Value is now $234, getting higher.
Value is now $1,124.20, I love the 20 cents LOL.
Value now is now $13,400 , anyone want it ? I'll accept $10,000 for cash.
All website valuation sites are not the same.
Be careful if you come across one of these sites thats saying your website is worth thousands.
Your website is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Breaking the rules.
I set up 2 websites and 2 blogs (this is one of them), I know my job was to spend a maximum of 1 hour per day finding at least 10 backlinks for each of the sites. These backlinks should be a mix of forum posts, blog comments, directory submissions and link swapping. Another 1 hour a day producing posts for my blogs and building pages on my websites. I like to try to post at least once a day on my blog and have at least 1 page a week added to my websites.
I know time management is the key to effective website promotion so why do I always get sucked in to reading and following links in posts or websites. Totally breaking my own rules.
These disturbances have meant my website promotions have suffered dramatically.
From now on I am going to bookmark any site I find interesting is automatically bookmarked and looked at only after I have finished my work for the day.
This is a lesson to affiliate marketers and website promoters old and new, The number 1 rule of of successful website promotion is time management. Don't get caught out like I did stick to your tactics and ensure your primary business is promoted effectively.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Affiliates – Tips to Jumpstart Your Conversions and Profits
Friday, 25 September 2009
Time management is the key.
Every minute of your time is worth money so make every minute count.
To ensure effective time management there is a few things you can do.
First decide what you want and how much time you can input.
If you already work and have a family then you probably can offer 1-2 hours a day and a few more at weekends. If you know about building a website it will take you less time than if you know nothing about it.
Just be realistic, don't think your going to be handed your goal on a silver platter it could be 3-4 months before the fruits of your labour are noticed.
Don't set your goals too high, if you want to believe you can earn a million dollars in the next month then after you wake up and get back to reality consider earning nothing in the next month. YES absolutely nothing in the next month. Most affiliate marketers take months building an online presence before begining to earn any money, even then it may take a couple of years building your affiliate business before earning a monthly income to live off.
Think about it like this if you jump from one thing to another you will not earn money online.
If you nurture your business then within 2 years you can retire on the income your earning, now your retired you have more time to spend on that business and can build it faster meaning your not only earning enough to live on but building a lifestyle.
Don't be distracted by the next big thing.
When I started out in affiliate marketing this was my biggest mistake. If you see something that catches your eye add it to your favourites and look at it later, your goal is your only concern at this point. Fixate yourself on the goal you have set and work towards that.
Don't give up, what's the point in spending 3-4 months on a project then just giving up. If things are not working re-evaluate what you have done and what you can do.
These simple steps should help you build an income based on reality, not using MLM, Matrix or any other so called get rich quick schemes.
Build yourself a solid income using basic time management.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
The Real Reasons You’re Not a Super Affiliate Yet…
I hear a lot of affiliates who have been in this business for sometime tell me all reasons, I mean the bs excuses, why they’re not a super affiliate yet:
- I don’t have a PhD like you Amit!
- I don’t have the money.
- I just don’t have any time to work on my business.
- I have kids!
- You got in early, it’s too saturated now.
- I don’t know the right people like you do.
- Blah, blah, blah!
Yon can come up with a million reasons why you’re not a super affiliate yet, even though you been “doing” affiliate marketing for the last 3 years with little to show for it.
Let’s be honest, deep down you know all your excuses are complete bullshit!
Here are the REAL reasons you’re not a super affiliate yet
- You keep focusing on all reason why you can’t do this business. Make your bs excuses the reason WHY you need to succeed at this business. If you don’t have time or money, make that the reason why you NEED to become a super affiliate, and NOT the reason you can’t become one.
- You’re thinking TOO small. You get an affiliate offer to $50/day profit and move on to something else, when the top affiliates may be making $1500/day profit with the same offer. STOP being happy with table scrapes and start working towards building your affiliate campaigns to 4-figure a day in sales. Your affiliate income will NEVER outgrow the level of your thinking. Kick it up a notch!
- You’re scared shit of losing money. Get over it. Your investing in your future, NOT “losing money.” How much money did you “lose” going to college? How’s the ROI on that investment working for you?
- You’re lazy. I had to work my ass off in the beginning to build my momentum and get my business off the ground. If you’re only testing one affiliate offer a month, you’re dead in the water, there’s no way you’re going to build momentum. I’ll talk more about this in the next post…
- You’re not consistent. If you do this business for 4 months and then take a month or 2 off and then try to get back into it again, you’re again killing your momentum.
- You don’t want it bad enough. Honestly this is the BIGGEST reason you’re not a super affiliate yet. You need to have a burning desire to succeed to become a super affiliate. You need to have a CRYSTAL CLEAR vision of what you want. Your attitude has to be like Micheal Phelps : eat, sleep, & launch affiliate campaigns. If you’re NOT having trouble sleeping at night because you’re so excited, then you don’t want it bad enough.
So if you’re sick and tired of just poking a stick at affiliate marketing then SUCK IT UP and take an honest look at why you’re not a super affiliate yet.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Earn money using search engines
So how do you get your website listed, or indexed, with these search engines? The answer is “keywords.” These are words found in your website that will attract your targeted market to your website when they are found in the search engines. Keyword research is very important. You will need to find keywords that are high in demand, many searches, and low in supply, less websites.
You can do this by going to and finding the keywords for your site. Then you can go to a program like and find more specialized keywords.
Check out your competition: The 1st ten websites listed in the search engine, will be your competition and you should check out the links they have going to their site. If possible try to get these to your site also. This will help you to get a better position in the search engines. The most important way of linking is back links. You can get these by article distribution, to all the article directories. This will especially increase your page rank with Google and get you a higher position in their engine.
Google will give special preference to your content and resources for your visitors. Make sure you optimize your content at about 3% for Google and up to 5% for MSN and Yahoo. Also use anchor links to link your pages and for external links, these will utilize your main keywords and the search engine bots will easily follow them to get around your site and view every page for indexing.
Keep your site ever fresh by adding new content every week. This will allow the search engines and especially Google to index new pages and increase your Page Rank. These are just a few points to help you to keep a good position in the search engines.
Sunday, 20 September 2009
How to Find Profitable Affiliate Niches – Some Great Tips
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Your $10 a month automated business.
Your $10 a month is for hosting and domain name you are not paying for an MLM or matrix.
This is a rather long post but if you want your own fully built website advertising high paying affiliate income then bear with it. It will explain how to get the website online as well as how to get alternate streams of income and get ranked in google as well as other search engines.
First set up hosting here :
The reason I use this company is as well as been a cheap effective hosting company they also offer an affiliate pay plan, this is a 5 level pay plan so you get paid $1 for every person you refer and $1 for every referral 5 levels deep. This can turn into a nice income on it's own but we are going to set up another 2 income streams with this account. Make sure when you choose your website name choose someting short and appropriate like
Once hosting is set up join :
This company is a third party advertiser for numerous affiliate programs.
Familiarize yourself with the layouts and check out the complete website templates, once you find one you like download it to your computer and unzip it(just right click on it and go to extract all)
Before uploading to your host you need to optimize your website.
Download My Free Website Builder totally free.
Once downloaded open it, go to open a new page and look for the file your website pages are in. Look for the file named "index" and click to open that page.
In the drop down menu at the top click on "format" then go down and click on "page title and properties"
In the box that opens fill in the fields saying title and description.
Read the page and give a title and description based on the individual page, give each page a different title and description.
Once done click ok and then at the bottom of the page you will see four tabs click on the one saying "source"
The test here may look confusing but is pretty simple once you get used to it, if you look you will see your title and description appearing in between some strange text and below this you will see something like this
meta name="keywords"
content=" " /
In between the speech marks after the word content type in some words that apear in the text of the page you are using. Words like "affiliate, marketing, makemoney online" you decide how many you want to put in.
Open each page in turn and follow the same rules. None of this appears on your web page this is all HTML which is what search engines will use when they crawl your pages. Known as SEO or search engine optimization.
Next you need an ftp, this is just a program which transfers the files from your pc to your host.
Download and install Filezilla
This is a free program, once installed open it up. You will need the email that sent you.
At the top of the screen you will need to enter
ftp host =
username= your username
password= your password
port= 21
Once logged on you should see your website name on the right of the screen and your computer documents on the left. On the left of the screen find the folder your web page files are in once open just drag and drop all the web pages and the images file into your website on the right of the screen. Thats it your website is online, It may take 24-48 hours to appear so just keep checking.
Once online it's time to get visitors and advertising on our site.
Personally I hate surfer sites and free traffic sources, just a waste of time but when I first set up a site I use them for between around seven to 30 days. This is just to keep a steady flow of traffic appearing on a regular basis, 200 hits a day on average is plenty. here are four simple sites I use.
These four programs should easily get you a steady stram of visitors without spending a lot of time surfing them.
Now Its time to get listed in search engines where you will get free traffic.
First go to each search engine you know of especially google, bing(formerly msn) and yahoo as well as any others you find. In in engine type "add url to" and the name of the search engine, click on the relevant link and add your web address in the form provided. Soon your site will be listed and crawled by the search engine spiders. Next we need backlinks, these are links from other sites linking back to yours. is an automatic backlink creator, watch the videos on how to use the system and use this system to it's fullest as it will create hundreds of free backlinks.
Another great way to create backlinks is to look at blogs of people and when you see a good blog create a comment on it ensuring your website goes into the correct box. Don't just spam hundreds of blogs as the owners will delete your comments, when commenting make sure it's sensible and contributes to the actual blog post. Half an hour a day should be all it takes to build your backlinks and traffic.
These backlinks are mega important as they will increase your ranking in the search engines, the better your ranking the more likely searchers will find you.
Now you need to add advertising, I personally use
These display numerous ads on a CPM and CPC basis.
Open websitebuilder and then open your index page as you did earlier, decide where your ads are going and copy the code you got from
To add it to your page type something memorable where you want it to go, click on the source tab then look for the word you just typed in (you do get used to doing this and what the source tab is)Highlight the word you typed in, and copy the code over it. Click save at the top of the screen.
Next open Filezilla again, log in and the only webpage you now need to drag and drop across is the index page you just added the HTML code to.
Keep up the backlinking techniques and good luck with your new website.
Please comment on this post especially if theres something you don't understand and I will be happy to help.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Affiliates – Tips to Jumpstart Your Conversions and Profits
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Are You Hitting Your Affiliate Pain Threshold?
I was talking to my personal trainer the other day and we were talking about what it really takes to be super successful as an athlete.
I mean what really separates someone like Kobe Bryant from an average NBA player? Anyone who plays for the NBA is obviously a top top athlete at that level.
My personal trainer, who competed at the national level for the 200m and 400m in track, told me about a concept that his coach taught him called the “pain threshold”.
Every athlete has a pain threshold at which point there body starts to shuts down. They become tired, fatigued, their performance drops. Top athletes are able to continually push their pain threshold higher and higher until fly past everyone else.
Breaking through your pain threshold is 100% mental.
There’s a pain threshold in ppc affiliate marketing as well.
Whether you ever become a super affiliate all depends on whether you can continually break through your pain threshold, pushing it higher and higher.
Every single person that I’ve coached and that has failed, has failed because they couldn’t handle the pain.
They quit after 1,2 or 3 failed campaigns. They hide under their bed and tucked their tail under their tail between their legs like a scared little puppy dog.
Don’t be that scared little puppy dog 6 months from now.
Yeah, you may feel confident right now, you’re excited. But can you handle getting the wind knocked out you a few times?
I went 15 campaigns with NO RESULTS.
What if I had stopped after the first 10 failed ppc campaigns and said : “This business is a scam, ppc affiliate marketing doesn’t work!”
Don’t for a minute think that becoming a super affiliate is going to be an easy ride. There’s time when a lot of doubt will creep into your mind.
There’s times when you’ll feel really frustrated, and even anger.
As long as you get back up every time you get knocked down and learn from you mistakes, you’re breaking through your pain threshold.
Can YOU handle the pain?
Friday, 11 September 2009
Future of PPC Affiliate Marketing
There’s a lot of people getting slapped right now by Google and they’re flat out scared. They’re wondering if they can keep making money like this, or is the heyday of PPC affiliate marketing over?
Well, I can tell you right now that PPC affiliate marketing is here to stay, however, you’ll need to change and adopt your strategy (and it’s more than just moving over to Yahoo and Bing). The savvy affiliates see what’s happening now as a HUGE opportunity to profit with a lot of the competition out of the way. (I can tell you that I’m VERY excited about it.)
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Website traffic, Quantity or Quality ?
Most people tend to just see a way to get easy traffic and use it. If you are using surf sites or free safelist mailers then your just wasting your time, and money if you have upgraded or paid for credits.
Visitors to these sites are affiliate marketers just like you. Your actually trying to sell each other similar products.
The other thing about these sites is what visitors do while surfing for credits to display their own websites. Think about how you surf for credits, you either have 3 or 4 sites open all at once clicking between them. Or the other way is your actually doing something on the web and keep switching screens to surf to the next 20 second counter.
Either way your website is getting visitors but not being viewed.
Quality traffic will probably take you less time to get and will have people viewing your site because they want to. Quality visitors = sales of your affiliate programmes.
How do you get this quality traffic ? Get to the top of the search engines of course.
Easier said than done. The easiest way is to create backlinks to your site, the more backlinks you have got the better your ranking.
Easy ways to create backlinks is to write articles and blogs. Blogs allow you to write an objective review of your website with a link in it, you can also write reflective reviews on any other afiliate product or service you are a member of and insert links in.
Article writing allows you to write quality articles with your link in and display them on sites like and
These are ranked sites which not only add your article to their site but allow your ad to be duplicated on other sites, with your link inserted of course.A good article can be posted on numerous sites.
The other way is a new site called
This site automates the system by allowing free members to post an article to 30 blogs with a simple system. Each article is allowed up to 2 links embedded as well as a keyword giving a potential 120 backlinks.
You can add as many articles as you want so 120 backlinks can soon become thousands in no time at all.
This many backlinks give you a better chance at reaching the top of the search engines and getting that quality traffic you need.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Future of PPC Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Industry Ripe for Quality Effort
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Using articles to make money
The other kind of affiliate site is the kind that you want. It is a site that has all the same links that the others do, but it also has content. Now, what does “content” mean, anyway? Content is simply an internet term that means articles or information on a web page. Why do affiliate sites that use content work better than those that don’t? It’s simple.
If you click on a site, say, a site about growing roses, which would you rather find? A list of links that you have no idea if they are any good or not or if they even link to a reputable company? Or an informative, well-written article about growing roses that has a link at the bottom for a company that, while you still don’t know if they are trustworthy or not, the person who wrote this content thinks so and they sure sound like they know what they are talking about. Which one do you think does better sales every month? Exactly. The site that uses articles.
This is the number one reason why you should be knowledgeable about the products you wish to sell. It will be a million times easier to write content that sounds like it was written by an expert if you know your way around your product. If a web surfer stumbles upon your site, finds your articles well-written, informative and fun and then sees a link to buy a product related to the article, your chances of making money off of that customer go up 100 times. The big secret to affiliate marketing isn’t a magic formula or miracle catchphrase. It’s well-written content.
There are even companies out there that will write content for you, for a small fee. It may seem like a silly thing to invest in on the surface, but once you see the hard numbers that show how much better affiliate sites do with content then without, you’ll be on board in no time flat.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Affiliates – Tips to Jumpstart Your Conversions and Profits
When it comes to boosting your CTR, conversion rates and revenue, nothing works better than a little inspiration! I read 3 good articles this week I wanted to share with you that each address different ways of increasing sales. I hope you get some gold nuggets you can use to jumpstart your profits."
Affiliate Marketing Plan Podcast – Best Research Tools
I'm excited to see a new affiliate marketing blog hit the scene. The premier podcast features a discussion about a myriad of research tools for keyword research, recruiting new affiliates and conducting competitive research."
How to Find a Top Rated Affiliate Program?
What are the features of a top rated affiliate program? For starters, such a program offers high commissions. The people behind it know that their products will sell very well and don't mind giving up a bigger share of the money in order to motivate affiliates and reward their efforts. If you're spending a couple of hours everyday pondering traffic statistics, thinking up ways to improve your website to get top search engine placement and generating a lot of sales then you deserve those high commissions. And if your conversion rate is high enough, you will be making a lot of money in a short time.
Aside from the high commissions you will need quality affiliate support from the associate program in the shape of free website templates to choose from, free content for your website (or websites) written by professional copywriters, tutorials and guides if you're only just beginning and lots of information and advice on the niche market you are going to be operating in. Plus, you get access to advanced affiliate tools for keyword research and traffic tracking. Another very important thing to look out for is the way products are sold. If the managers ask you to buy the products and resell it to customers, then you're walking into a scam.
But you probably know by now that there are no magic buttons to push that can make you a super affiliate in a couple of days. You'll have to work your way to a position of financial security and you have a lot to learn about how to be a good marketer. But joining a top rated affiliate program goes a long way to making your dreams come true as fast as humanly possible because the sad alternative is to do the same amount of work for less money. And that runs contrary to the fact that you deserve to get as much as possible for your efforts.
Low commissions and small percentages of low prices are highly NOT recommended and working for a greedy bunch of managers is an experience that should be avoided. Why waste time and effort when you can start on the right foot by joining a top rated affiliate program? If some people out there are willing to work for low commissions and others can't find anything wrong with investing their own money in a business that doesn't ever pay off, then let them do it. You have other priorities.